About Us

Businesses of all sizes depend on Teklingo to deliver services they need when they need them. For all projects large and small, we are always available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week / 365 days of the year. Customers need solutions, services and infrastructure to be and stay connected. We know that its difficult for companies to navigate through the wide range of technologies in today's market. Everything from email and collaboration, virtualization, server and desktop deployments, maintenance, upgrades, WIFI infrastructure design and implementation and much much more. Companies also need to ensure they meet compliance and regulatory requirements for their business. Tight security but flexible and easy to use for their people. The truth is, you need to focus on running the business. Plain and simple. Our engineers specialize in the all major flagship products from Microsoft, Cisco, Apple and VMWare. We're dedicated to bringing you cost-effective solutions for your business. Let us prove it.